Her Vintage Style Office

Hello friends!

Do you have a designated space in your house for your craft supplies and creative projects?

Several months ago I decided that I wanted to write and share projects, decor & life on my website again, which means I need a space of my own to work.

Vintage leather office chair

All the things like craft supplies, camera, laptop, desk etc. need a landing place. So I am trying out this space that has been many things like a napping room, office, music room.

Before (one of them).

I debated on showing all the versions it’s been here but there are too many.

Here she is now!

I was in the mood for something a bit dramatic and bold with a vintage vibe.

Vintage leather office chair

I painted the walls a dramatic green called Palmer Green by Benjamin Moore. Very dramatic, a little vintage and a lot green! This room gets good evening light so I think the rich color works.

The other wall color contenders were Scrivener Gold CW 430 for a beautiful warm yellow or I even considered a red called Rustique AF 275 Ben Moore too. I feel like I would have gotten sick of the red too quickly though.

The gold was so pretty that I really wanted it somewhere so I painted the doors of this old pantry cabinet. It worked out perfectly because after that I found this leather vintage office chair on FBM. It was a little pricey for what I want it for but it was also just right. It came with an executive and secretary chair to match. How sweet!

The little chair stayed in here for a while but it’s been fun to add that golden color in other areas of the house too.

I needed storage that would hold my wreaths and baskets. They can be bulky to find a place to store them so I went up. Our ceilings are 10 feet tall so there was room for a rod above the French doors.

I hung a ceiling mount curtain rod and ordered S hooks to fit the rod. The baskets and wreaths can hang here where I can see them from my desk. A lot can fit on the rod as well.

I’m a fan of a lived in looking space so having them in the open feels relaxed and natural.

When I talk about keeping your style personal, here is as example of what I mean. This is not for everyone but that’s when we say – that doesn’t matter one bit!

Another example of personal style is that doll in the photo below.

She used to sit on the floor at my grandmothers house when I was young. I was a fan of dolls and loved this one. She looked like an old Holly Hobby Doll. When my grandma passed away I wanted her for the memories.

My girlfriends have all voted that she is ugly – LOL! But it’s the feeling she gives me that makes me keep her on display. She has meaning to me for two reasons though.

(this photo was taken prior to finding the leather chair)

After my grandma passed. I had my mom hold this doll for me in her basement out in Utah for me until I could get it back East safe to my home.

Well, the grandkids found her and thought she was creepy. She got broken into many pieces during their little scary adventure with her. She took a little abuse from 7 boys. I was so sad. I thought she’d have to go in the garbage.

The next year we moved to Utah near my parents again. My mom surprised me with this doll all repaired and shiny. Looks brand new! I know my mom spent a lot of time getting her just right for me. Gluing each tiny piece back together. I’ll hold that memory ever so close to my heart and every time I see this silly doll, I remember wanting to play with her on my grandma’s floor as a child.

But mostly the sweet gesture in my mom repairing her for me. She passed away a short time later.

So even though things aren’t the latest trend or the coolest thing in your home, the stories they bring to mind is what makes your home feel like your own.

The desk is very plain so I used window valances on tension rods to make it more feminine. The valances came with some cute cafe curtains that I found at Walmart that I used somewhere else.

It’s important as we get older to remember the people who have loved and supported us on our journeys.

I challenge you to pull something old out of storage that brings a to mind a fond memory to mind. Even if it’s a sweet card from someone you love, you can place on your nightstand or in a pretty dish on the coffee table.

Holly's family picture.

The people we share life with are more important than the things we collect.

Much love,